“Over and over again I have personally

witnessed the depths of the offerings through

attending classes and programs. The personal transformations for all participants in these workshops has been amazing!

- Tarika Lea

One of the World’s Most Thorough & Integrative Certified
Training Programs in Shamanic Arts, Rites of Passage Ceremony & Energy Medicine.

Our Rainbow Fire Mystery School Instructors

White Eagle Medicine Woman

 is the founder and director of the Whirling Rainbow Foundation, the Rainbow Fire Mystery School & Grandmother Drum International Peace Project. She has toured over 20 countries with the 7 foot Grandmother Drum, touching over a million people promoting unity, peace, reconciliation, personal and community wellness and earth sustainability. White Eagle is an international shamanic healer, teacher and ceremonial artist as well as an award winning recording artist and film maker. Her passion is to gather and share cross cultural indigenous wisdom teachings, practices, medicines and tools that expand human consciousness and potential while at the same time simplifying our lives to be grounded in the natural....in our body, heart, soul and spirit.

Michaela Baumgartner

Michaela is a Certified Bowen Practitioner, Certified Master of Shamanic Arts and Certified CSM1 Practitioner. Born and raised in Austria, she now lives in Alaska and has worked since 2010 with The Whirling Rainbow Foundation. Touring in 16 countries touching tens of thousands of people as a Cultural & Healing Arts Teacher and serving as Tour Manager & Program Coordinator. She os also a Master Drum Maker, Photographer and Flute Teacher whose music was recorded on the project's most recent “Holy Ground” CD.